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Tuesday 23 May 2017

A drizzly dawn at Pwll

I was n`t expecting a wet start to today and it certainly has prevented me doing my outdoor `to do list`, hence the opportunity to blog. Some 40 or so species were in the two Pwll garden traps last night (22/5), with several more FFYs. Tonight (Tuesday) looks good for trapping, so please trap if you can.

                                   Above: it`s been a good year for seraphims in my garden.
Above: the naturalised conifer associate, Argyresthia cupresella, is now quite regular in my garden.
Above: `ready, steady, go!`- this Gracillaria syringella only allowed this blurred photo before it flew off and made its escape. This species probably feeds on privet or lilac in my garden.
Above: rather more accommodating was this `wasp beetle`Clytus arietus, a species of longhorn beetle that was found on the ground near one of the traps.

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