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Thursday 25 May 2017

A bumper crop...brief post

Last night (24/5) was clear but - importantly - very warm and the resultant catch this morning was really excellent, both in numbers and diversity. After an early pre-5.00am start (and an hour back in bed!), I`ve now had a chance to go through the catch from the two garden traps (one MV and one mains actinic) at Pwll. The total is now up to c 65 species from the previous estimate of 50+ and I`ve still got a few micros to look at later. The latter micros will have to wait, as I`m taking a day off to explore the Rhandirmwyn hill country - if I`ll find anything, I will blog.
I recommend that you trap tonight if you can, as conditions are ideal and there are hints of migrants both locally, eg dark sword-grass (and painted ladies by day), and also in SW England (see `Atropos Flight Arrivals`).

          Above: `do not disturb, having a kip` (red-necked footman) and below, awake again!

Other macro highlights included orange footman, lime and eyed hawk-moths, figure of 80 (x 6) and several more pristine FFYs.

1 comment:

  1. My Red-necked Footman did the same thing and then made a bid for freedom, and I didn't get a good photo.


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