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Sunday 2 April 2017

All Fools in April

1st April 2017 - All Fools Day - Cwmllwyd. A dry night was forecast, although dropping colder shortly after midnight. But I expected that most mothy visitors would be safely tucked up inside the MV trap in the alder grove by then, so worth proceeding, I decided. In fact, by 23:00 heavy rain was falling, so the prediction was wrong again, but the temperature was not so low as forecast.

105 moths of 19 species were found this morning - only one micro, a Rusty Dot Pearl (FFY). Other FFYs included singles of the following:

 Powdered Quaker

Red Sword-grass

and this rather splendid Double-striped Pug.


  1. That`s a good haul, Steve - showing that it was worth trapping. Nice photos - as usual- too.

  2. I trapped last night also & had 6 moths, never had a Red Sword-grass, very jealous of this alder grove.

  3. Very nice indeed Steve; I haven't seen a Red Sword-grass here as of yet. I also trapped same time, and had a nice variety, just over 100 moths of 22 species. My highlight was two Powdered Quakers, nfg, nfy, nfm.


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