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Saturday 11 March 2017

`Carry on Trapping`...a short note.

I put out the garden traps at Pwll for the third consecutive night last night (Fri, 10/3/17) and the assemblage differed from the previous two nights, with more micros and several macros (eg pine beauty, early thorn, red chestnut) that were not seen on the earlier occasions. Twenty-two species in all were noted. Three yellow-horneds were in the traps.

Above: pine beauty. This moth may be now breeding on pines in and around the garden, rather than wandering from a nearby Scot`s pine-clad hillside.

                                                 Above: three engraileds were caught.

I`ve got another actinic (in a different garden) to check and will re-blog if anything of particular interest is caught. Must rush...


  1. Not as Carry On Mothing as my night: I stepped away from my Actinic in the dark, tripped, and sprained my ankle. Luckily an x-ray this morning confirmed it wasn't broken. The Actinic still held 9 spp of moth when I checked upon returning from the hospital.

  2. It was `Carry on Doctor` for you then! I`m sure that Matron (Hattie Jacques) sorted you out though.
    Hope that you recover quickly Sam.

  3. Easily done, I have a favourite log picnic table where I trap but there are three seating logs around it and in the dark, concentrating on the trap......
    Health and Safety at all times. I suppose it could have been worse, you could have broken the trap. Hope the ankle mends quickly

  4. A fall can badly shake you up, and all in the name of mothing. Hope you'll be feeling better soon.


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