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Saturday 8 October 2016

The Autumn Collection - a (very) quick post...

Chancing to look out of the window at dusk last night (Friday, 7/10), I noticed that it was overcast and windless, so I rushed out to place two traps in the garden (a mains actinic and a MV) before darkness fell. I have n`t trapped for some time now, due to the cold nights and strong winds, but last night looked ideal.
I was n`t disappointed this morning, with four migrant species - silver y`s, a dark sword-grass, rush veneers (pyralid) and a single diamond-back moth. (I would have liked to have had a white speck, but did n`t!).
The residents were out in force too, with my best `autumn mix` of the year and I include some of these moths in the hasty and impefect multiple photo-shoot shown below. I also had c.10 other species.

Above: (clockwise from the left) - Merveille du jour, large ranunculus, lunar underwing, chestnut, Blair`s shoulder-knot, l-album wainscot, dark sword-grass, green brindled crescent, sallow, beaded chestnut and, at the bottom, a rush veneer. Click on the pic to enlarge.

                                     Above: a rather infrequent moth with me - a pine carpet.

It looks like that it may be worth considering trapping tonight too?

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