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Wednesday 26 October 2016

Red Sword-grass

This beautiful Red Sword-grass was in the trap this morning. I found one here two years ago, which was recorded and after that I was determined to get a moth trap. It took me another year but now here I am.
Also had a Feathered Thorn, a Black rustic, 2 M de J, 2 November moths, 3 Spruce Carpets and a Red line Quaker. So, well pleased with the night's work.


  1. Well done, Jane - some nice moths there.

  2. Just had a peep in the trap tonight and there is another Red Swordgrass in there!

  3. Jane, I had to contribute to your blog because my PC gives the time of your last comment ('just had a peep in the trap tonight') as 15.19 - it must get dark very early where you are!! Seriously, you are getting some very nice moths, in contrast to my experience here where the last few catches have been very tedious, mostly November Moth types, not worth blogging about. I might try again tonight and hope for something better. It's now 10.07, I'll be keen to see what time appears on this comment...

  4. Don`t go by the time on the PC`s US time or something. It`s 12.53 pm here in real time ie lunchtime, but my PC says 04.53am.

  5. Ian, it's all very confusing to someone like me who's computer semi-illiterate, and that's a charitable assessment! My PC tells the correct time, i.e. it's 14.03 just now. Presumably the time allocated to a particular blog is decided at the point where the blogsite is administered, wherever that might be?


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