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Tuesday 27 September 2016

Rose-feeding Larvae

Two caterpillars are tucking into a rose bush in the garden:

The smaller one (pale green, yellow head) may well be Garden Rose Tortrix, plenty of them here, looks like some of the on-line images of larvae of this species.  The larger one (darker green/white, white spots, black head) I haven't been able to identify yet.


  1. The big one looks like a sawfly to me. Not 100% sure though.

  2. Thanks Sam, I did wonder whether it might be, but I'm going to have to let them go so it'll have to remain a mystery.

  3. I'm afraid I think both are sawflies, there's something about the shape of the head capsule that sets them apart from lep larvae.

  4. No problem with that George, thank you for your input, I've released them back into the wild!

  5. Endelomyia (cf. aethops) and early instar Arge (cf. pagana), but these aren't safe id's, more for interest

  6. Allantus cinctus looks near-identical to Endelomyia - maybe a synonym?


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