I managed to get all the kit up to 1400 feet by means of the illegal use of a motor vehicle, but I'm not sure whether there's a worthwhile and accessible site close at hand. Calm in the valley, but with quite a blustery wind upstairs, where there's heather and bilberry in abundance, I was forced down into a ravine that holds a tributary of Nant Oesglyn to find more placid conditions. There's a little bit of heather and bilberry, with some cotton grass higher up, so I thought it was worth a try. Rain began to fall at about 01:00 this morning (24 June) and I packed up at 01:30 - I just don't fancy playing with a generator pumping out 240 volts in the rain! Although at about the same elevation as my favoured Carn Cennen site, this new pitch was disappointing. I guessed it would be when the first two macros to show were Large Yellow Underwing and Flame Shoulder. Three upland species were captured, with 24 True Lover's Knot in the trap and many more flying nearby; one Marbled White Spot and this rather splendid female Oak Eggar:

Oak Eggar
And as I've only seen the species once before, I was pleased to find two of these in the trap, as well:
Dusky Brocade
Full marks for trying Steve...if you had never tried you would have never known. I`ve had plenty of disappointing catches.