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Thursday, 30 July 2015

Felinfoel Hummers - latest news.

Paul Sperinck sent this photo of the now-pupated hummingbird hawk-moth caterpillars, which he reared from eggs laid on bedstraw in his Felinfoel (Llanelli) garden where he`d previously spotted an adult ovipositing. With a bit of luck, we`ll have some adults soon, and with more luck, he will have pointed them in my direction, as I`ve not seen one this year and with a similar absence of sightings last year. The weather may be more suitable for moth trapping later this week, with `winds from the Azores` suggested. Check the weather forecast and trap if you can.


  1. I saw a Hummingbird hawk-moth on our farm track on Saturday and watched it for several minutes visiting flowers on the bank at one side before it flew off well into the distance.

  2. Because I have n`t seen one for 2+ years, I don`t think that they exist anymore! They must be Airfix models or similar!!! Seriously - a nice sighting Sally.
    A red admiral was in the garden just now, so there is some immigration going on.


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