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Saturday, 17 May 2014

Tyrwaun, Pwll and Llwyn-teg, Llannon

I put out two traps at Tyrwaun last night 16/5, one MV and one actinic. I had c 35 spp in total including the following FFYs: white pinion-spotted, bright-line brown-eye, campion, grey/dark dagger, clouded border, iron prominent, angle shades, dark arches and, best of all, the aspen and poplar-feeding seraphim which is a very local Carmarthenshire moth and a new moth for me. I`ve been worried in the past that I may have been overlooking this species, perhaps confusing it with one of the similar geometrids, but it really caught my eye when I saw it, especially with those white dots on the inner edge of the fore-wings.
                                          Above: two photos of the Tyrwaun seraphim.

Two FFYs were a gold-spot and campion. Note the purple hue on the latter`s wings, which helps distinguish it from the similar lychnis.
                                         Above: gold-spot.
                                         Above: campion.

Also, at Tyrwaun, I had the small geometrid shown below. I would like (given my current tiredness) any advice as to its identification. It`s the size of a grass rivulet - a suspect, but there`s a marked spot on the forewing. There`s pretty pinion too, but that looks rather darker (and much rarer)....I`m not sure. As always, click on the photo to enlarge it. Or is it just a small, small seraphim?

                                         Above: Help required for identification please.

The problem with trapping at this time of year is that you have to get up `with the birds` (or actually before them), as others on today`s post have already commented.
I was at `an away from home site` first thing this morning - a heather bog at Llwyn-teg, Llannon. Unfortunately, this proved extremely disappointing, with only singles of five species of moths in two actinics!
With nothing to report from this site, I`ll just do a `habitat shot` (at c5.00am)....

                                         Above: Llwyn-teg peat-bog at dawn.

I also had (at Tyrwaun) that brown pug caught by both Sally and Isabel, but mine is in the fridge pending identification.
This fine weather is ideal for checking sites for daytime species but, unfortunately, I`m too tired after a hard (non-mothy) day in the sun yesterday and last night`s trapping. If anyone is going out, and wants a place to check, then try the Carmel ridge SW of Carmel village for that stunning little pyralid Anania funebris alongside the path to the mast near Garnbig....I seem to recall that a Carmarthenshire moth`er lives close by!


  1. Well done with your Seraphim, you mystery one looks like Small Seraphim

  2. Thanks mystery moth really puzzled me as it was so small. I often get small seraphim (indeed, I had four last night) but my problem moth`s size baffled me!
    Now that the Moths of Glamorgan is published, you can always try some trapping in Carms...I`ll arrange a permit for you!
    PS. hope that the Eupatorium Jo-Pye Weed that I gave you is`s a late starter, mine is just sprouting.

  3. I did check out the Garnbig mast in the week - nothing yet.

    posted by a nearby Carmarthenshire moth-er......


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