The Carmarthenshire Moth database only holds 3 records claimed to be Small Engrailed rather than Engrailed. This is largely because Jon and I have toed the national line that the two taxa are inseparable so should be recorded as a single entity, but perhaps also because Small Engrailed is less common here. The excellent Glamorgan moth book includes plenty of records of both species and I think we should probably try to split them here if we can. It could well be that there are other records in the various datasets Jon and I combined to make the main one, but I'm not sure I've got the enthusiasm to wade through them all: if anyone thinks they have sent in a record of Small Engrailed then please let me know the details.
This has come up because one came to the porch light here last night: a small individual with a chalky white background and the wingshape matching Skinner perfectly (this feature is mentioned in Townsend & Waring, but I wanted to compare it with pinned specimens).
12 other species appeared here alongside the Small Engrailed, with Great Prominent, Marbled Brown and Buff-tip slightly interesting.
Engrailed is still on the wing: one at Cnwc two nights ago. Please check this species pair carefully!