If anyone is undecided whether to trap tonight or tomorrow (Mon) night, then tonight offers far the best chance...overcast and warm, with light winds. Monday night will be quite wet. I`m hoping to get some trapping done tonight.
Did some recce`g around Bynea this afternoon and have earmarked a couple of sub-sites for later in the season - an area of brackish marsh near Glynea farm, where I trapped in the late 1980s (wainscots etc); some nearby farmland with much mature elms (white-letter hairstreaks recorded there) and some wasteground where I found a small colony of wormwood this afternoon....hopes of the moth of the same name, perhaps.
I also visited a brownfield site (photo below) behind the old Thyssens works where I`ve trapped in recent years (c 2007). Such flower-rich old industrial sites are tremendously rich in wildlife - but unappreciated. Not much was noted during my 15mins visit, but a male brimstone butterfly sped past, some cinnabars were seen and the absolutely tiny micro Glyphipteryx simpliciella was swept from herbage.
Off now...getting my traps sorted for tonight. Good luck to anyone who takes advantage of tonight`s promising moth weather.
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