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Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Trapped last night (22nd) and a sharp downfall not long before dawn meant that I was rescuing half drowned moths from the concrete surface of the back yard where they had chosen to rest outside the trap. Most revived but were largely unidentifiable - it was as if the rain had washed the scales away from their wings. I put them in my wood pile and all had flown by this evening. Anyway new for this year was a lesser swallow prominent, purple thorn and what I think was a common plume. Also streamer, clouded drab, hebrew character, small quaker. Isabel


  1. Yes, that's a Common Plume. The Thorn is an Early as its wings are closed, but as you've not captioned the photo this is presumably not the individual IDed as Purple.

  2. Thanks Sam. The moth's wings were definitely half open in the classic pose as per the ID book. I'd had an early a week or so ago and this was definitely not that. Isabel

  3. OK - just checking. I can remember prising open Thorn wings when I started mothing and even IDing some of those I prised open as Purple!


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