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Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Llansteffan Moths

Trapped 28/4 and got three pugs, two I'm ok with but this one I think maybe Common Pug, any help would be gratefully received.


  1. It`s always more difficult doing pugs by photos (size, affect of light etc), but it looks provisionally (never sure re photos!) like a common pug to me Melanie. I had one last night too, a FFY for me.
    Hopefully, Sam will have a look at your photo in due course. Also have a look at the Lancashire pugs link, if you have n`t already.

  2. I was reading Chris' blog and he mentioned Lancashire Pugs so I took a look. Wow very informative and as it's by month you have a good idea what Pug you have caught. Thanks anyway.

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog yesterday Mel. I was hoping that you would post a pic of your Oak-tree Pug today so that I could compare it to the one I caught last night! (will blog about this tomorrow). Sorry, can't advise on your Common Pug, Colour looks right but I can't see if there's a white tornal spot, it needs to be the right way up for me to have a chance!

  4. The lighting on your pic may be making discerning the white spot difficult/impossible. This white spot is apparently also absent in some individuals. Yes, Pugs of Lancs is highly recommended and very user-friendly.

  5. Identifying pugs from photos is a bit of a doesn't look quite right for Common to me, with the chequered veins maybe it is Golden-rod? (I've had one of these already this year).



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